For those that don't know too much about far West Texas (or "Last Texas" as we fondly call El Paso), the wind blows a LOT in the spring. Since I take my jewelry photos outside, taking pics of hanging earrings presents a real challenge. I had several pair photographed laying on the white background I like to use, but pics of them hanging has been out of the question . . . until this morning. It was calm. So I gathered all my gear and went out.
As I was taking photos of the jewels with the arroyo in the background, I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye. I thought at first it was the cat next door that loves to torment Seamus or one of many feral cats on the prowl But on closer look it turned out to be a gorgeous gray fox, something I had never seen in the arroyo before. And it had something in his mouth - an apple! OK, I'll fess up. Sometimes when DH and I don't eat the apples I buy fast enough and they get mealy, I'll pitch them down the side of the arroyo instead of sending them to the landfill. I did that just two days ago to two apples. Evidently, the handsome fox had just found one.
The gray fox peering at me from behind a some vegetation. You can clearly see the apple in his mouth.
After checking me out, he guessed that I was no danger to him. He guessed correctly. I was absolutely enthralled with him! Mr. Fox trotted down a well worn game trail for a short distance.
The fox trotting down the game trail, apple in mouth.
He then chose a spot, put down the apple, sat down and watched me watching him. We watched each other for quite some time, at least 10-15 minutes as I kept snapping photos.
Mr. Fox is looking straight at me. The apple can clearly be seen in front.
He kept a sharp eye out on what was going on in the arroyo. What gorgeous markings Mr. Fox has!
Waiting patiently . . . for what?
I was quite curious what Mr. Fox was going to do with the apple, but he just continued to sit very patiently. I decided to step back away from the wall that separates our yard from the arroyo, give him a minute or two and then creep back, hoping he didn't leave.
When I crept back - bingo! He had moved the apple and was eating on it!
Mr. Fox gnawing on the apple.
He continued to eat, not realizing I was watching.
At some point, Mr. Fox realized I was back at the wall. He quit eating, stepped over what was left of the apple, slightly lifted his leg and peed on it, as if to say "So there, take that for disturbing me!" Now you know why I called the fox "he".
Then he slowly ambled off into the arroyo leaving what was left of the marked apple.
A last look back before "Adios, amiga!"
I LOVE where I live!!!
By the way, I DID finally get the earrings photographed (:
If you would like to make my day, I absolutely love comments (: They are always greatly appreciated.
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